Safe, Secure, and well thought out… the difference is night and day.
– Ross, Owner, Get Contacts Online
About the client
Australian-owned and operated, Get Contact Lenses Online is an e-commerce retailer dedicated to providing an easy and affordable solution to buying contact lenses online (it’s in the name really). Based out of Brisbane, the mob of eye care professionals started out as a local optometrist and ventured into the e-commerce world of selling contacts online when their customers expressed they wanted an easy and seamless way to purchase and refill their contact lenses, thus, ‘GetCLO’ was born.
What was the situation?
When GetCLO approached us, they were grappling with significant challenges. Their website was hosted overseas, leading to frequent collapses. The WooCommerce site was not only outdated but also unreliable, with frequent downtimes. Sales for GetContactLensesOnline had taken a hit due to technical glitches and a subpar user experience. At times the website would altogether break due to an array of mismatched plugins and short-term technical troubleshooting.

We picked up WordPress plug-ins to fix random problems and discovered that not all plug-ins play nicely with each other.
Ross from GetCLO had a clear vision of what the business needed: a contemporary, well-functioning website that could drive business, effectively showcase their products, as well as provide a seamless transaction and reordering process for their customers.

What did we do?
After stabilising their existing website, and ensuring it still remained operational, we undertook a comprehensive redesign. We rebuilt GetContactLensesOnline from the ground up, focusing on modernising the site’s design and functionality. The goal was to create a user-friendly platform that made purchasing contact lenses effortless.
We wanted the new website to not only help GetCLO’s customers but also GetCLO’s staff, so we refined and streamlined the online checkout process and added features such as courier tracking and multiple payment methods. The result? A quicker, easier and more modern e-commerce experience for customers on the front end and staff behind closed doors.

Courier Tracking means much fewer emails and phone calls from online customers
We integrated modern e-commerce features, including marketing tools such as Klaviyo emails, abandoned cart recovery, and discount offers. To encourage customer loyalty, we implemented a VIP club offering free shipping for life to those who made regular purchases. Additionally, a lens reorder function simplified the repurchasing process.

Overall our conversion rate has skyrocketed…
Creating a mobile-responsive website that was both functional as well as aesthetically pleasing was important to us and GetCLO. As such, each page was designed with a cleaner and more professional style. We also made minor customisations to product layouts, providing visual cues for different types of lenses and pack quantities, enhancing the overall browsing experience.

How did it go?
We had a conversation with GetCLO’s owner, Ross, to hear the verdict directly from the source…

Darryl and the team are passionate and dedicated & I highly recommend them to anyone who wants professional help with their websites.

Before engaging us, what were some of the challenges/issues you were facing with your old website?
Our ignorance and ad hoc advice from others was an ongoing cause for concern.
We picked up WordPress plug-ins to fix random problems and discovered that not all plug-ins play nicely with each other. We had performance issues and had no guidance on how to fix these issues.
How has the new website helped to provide a solution for these challenges/issues?
If/when a problem arises I know that it is taken care of – even before I notice it. I am informed of the important things, but smaller issues are dealt with on a regular basis for us – as part of the ongoing maintenance that happens for our websites. Many redundant plug-ins have been removed or replaced with more efficient solutions. Larger issues such as speed, performance and visibility are now taken care of and regularly reviewed.
What are some key aspects or functionalities of the new website that you believe have helped your business achieve success?
– A refined order tracking system has streamlined how our staff process website orders, making it easier for our team who work together on processing orders
– Courier Tracking means much fewer emails and phone calls from online customers
– Our check-out has been tweaked to encourage people to use credit cards instead of just PayPal.
What does success look like since the new build?
Overall our conversion rate has skyrocketed, for both our Paid ad traffic and all other traffic. The performance, repeat sales and general sales have all moved positively upward and made a big impact for our business.
How did you find the experience of the website build from start to finish?
Safe, Secure, and well thought out – are the key things for me. We had a website that was around 10 years old that wasn’t doing well – this was completely rebuilt from the ground up and the difference is night and day.
A cleaner, more professional look with a simpler navigation system. It is also a big deal for our websites to be Mobile phone responsive since most of our customers are on their mobiles when they order – this was sorted out as a priority during the development of our revamped website.
How was your overall experience working with the team at ireckon Digital?
Very positive. The response time – to any critical issue we’ve ever encountered has been fantastic.
Darryl and the team are passionate and dedicated & I highly recommend them to anyone who wants professional help with their websites.
Reckon you like what you see?
Let’s discover how we can transform your website today.