Refund Policy

As a rule the products and services on offer by ireckon pty ltd are not refundable. Please ensure you read all related Terms and Conditions of Trading.

No Refunds:

  1. Refunds are not provided for domain names or SSL certificates.
  2. Deposits for work to be conducted on a signed agreement are not refundable

Hosting / Subscription Cancellations:

  1. You can cancel your hosting / subscription account at any time without cancellation fees however note that no refunds are provided for prorated periods.

Over Payment:

  1. Where an over payment has been made by you in error you can either have that amount credited to your account and held in balance, or a refund can be applied to the card that was used in the original transaction or in the case of a bank transfer or cheque payment by way of a direct deposit to a nominated bank account.